On 10/10/2016 17:53, Will Hill wrote:
> Hello, I'm a long time Debian user and I'd like to try out GNewSense.   I 
> think it will be a good fit for my desktop use, best explained here,
> Your website is mostly down, but I found your mirrors page in a Google cache 
> which lead me to, 
> http://mirrors-usa.go-parts.com/gnewsense/
> and I'm downloading a live iso.  
> Will I be able to install from the iso?  
Hi Will
Yes you should (the repos are working on my side)it's the site that
seems to have some issues
"" having some performance issue with the server""
Thanks for sharing your interesting site ;-)
You can visit the IRC on freenode  #gnewsense channel

> I was unable to find a CD of DVD vendor.  Is there a vendor that offers 
> GNewSense?  
Maybe OS disk?
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