On 20 Aug 2002, at 8:12am, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> Sorry for the lack of description. I didn't want to get into too much
> detail, since it is a bit embarrassing.... I'm doing a Windows backup to a
> samba mount. I get write failures at the 2GB point. I believe that it is
> actually a limit in the ext2 FS. I don't know if ext3 changes this.

  The ext2 disk format is quite capable of handling files in the terabyte

  You may be encountering a limit in:
  - the ext2 driver in your kernel
  - the general file I/O routines in your kernel
  - your C library
  - Samba

  It would help if you told us:
  - distribution and release
  - kernel version
  - C library version
  - Samba version

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