> When: Wednesday, 21 August 2002, 19:30ish
> Where: Martha's Exchange, Nashua (2nd floor)
> Why: Because we haven't gotten together there in a while.
> (and to heckle Ben :)
Where the heck is this Heckle Ben? Just kidding.
I don't know the usual place. I 'd appreciate
if you are little more specific.

> Topic: We have none, but if people want to attempt a mini-install 
> fest, bring CDs of the distro of your choice, and we'll aim
> to help you install.
I 'd like to install mandrake on my laptop. 
Does anyone owns Mandrake 8.1/8.2?
I 'd appreciate if you bring it to the meeting
if you have one.

I already have 8.0.


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