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At some point hitherto, Steven W. Orr hath spake thusly:
> I posted this to the OO list and didn't get any help except to confirm 
> that other people's files work as badly for me as my own files do. I 
> don't know what to think:

I suspect this is a ghostscript problem.  It works perfectly for me
with ghostscript-5.50-19.rh7.1 on my RH 7.1 systems.  It seems likely
(from what you and Ben are saying) that either a) the program outputs
crappy PostScript that older ghostscript can handle, but newer ones
can't; or b) newer ghostscript is b0rken.

> If it's an OO problem then they must be generating bad postscript.
> (But other people can print the postscript?) OTOH, if it's a
> gv/ghostview problem, then why does my printer not print the file?

What kind of printer do you have?  Are you sure you're actually
sending it PostScript?  For example, using lpr (not LPRng) with Red
Hat's printing stuff, if you set up your printer as i.e. an HP
Laserjet, the print filters will use ghostscript to convert the
PostScript to HP PCL, and send that to the printer.  From your
description, it sounds like that's /not/ the case, but I'm unfamiliar
with CUPS and its configuration, so I can't really say...

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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