I guess I may have made a mistake in setting up a web site. I found a low
cost hosting service called HostSave. I had them register my domain name
(two years) and they charge $7.95/month for web site hosting. I did all this
June 18th of this year. About a month ago I got an email from Verisign
claiming my domain name was expiring and I needed to renew with them! I sent
the email to HostSave and they said there was an error in Verisign's
database and that my domain name was registered through 2004. Then early
this week I got another Verisign (Network Solutions) email telling me that
my domain name had been disabled for lack of payment. I called them and they
claim that although HostSave is a partner of theirs, that they haven't been
paid. Of course Verisign wants $35 for a one year domain registration. They
re-activated the domain name and my web site shows up at the web hosting
service site with all my files intact.

I've sent 4 emails to HostSave so far over the last 4 days with no response.

This isn't a matter of life and death. I can live with the domain name going
off the air for a brief time if that is necessary while this is sorted out.

But in researching this problem I find that many folks have had bad
experiences with Verisign. I'm really loath to pay them for something I've
already paid someone else to do. In fact I'm thinking about just
transferring the domain to another registrar, letting the hosting service
carrry the site for the pre-paid year and then re-hosting with someone more

Any thoughts? I'd also love to report these people to the responsible


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