You can always switch your window manager without using the gui to do so. You make yourself a .xsession file in your $HOME that starts up the window manager of your choice. Of course, you also lose all the gnome stuff starting, unless you copy one of the default xsession files and change it.

John Abreau wrote:
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Jason Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I use it on my laptop and don't really care. I'm not into pretty GUI things for the most part, so it doesn't bother me. I don't use my laptop enough to bother changing it. Though, I do have my root desktop very simple: no window manager and a xterm as the controlling process.

The thing that annoyed me most with metacity was the inability to configure
it to lower a window by right-clicking the titlebar. When I finally got around to googling for a solution, I found the author saying that as far as he's concerned. 90% of users won't care, and therefore nobody really wants that feature. And when complaints persisted, he'd dismiss them with an offhand comment that he's seen thousands of complaints like that, and each new complaint is the exact same thing and therefore just a waste of his time to read. Even after admitting this, it seems he persists in claiming that "nobody really wants that feature".

The really aggravating part is that Redhat seems to have made a significant
effort to make it difficult to switch back to sawfish. In the end, I had to kill off metacity and quickly start sawfish before metacity respawned, and then save the gnome session, a procedure I consider inherently fragile.
It's like Redhat was saying
"If you don't *LIKE* metacity, you don't have to *USE* gnome."

Kind of reminds me of the Windows Refund crap where manufacturers would tell customers: "If you don't want Windows on your laptop, you don't have to buy a laptop at all".

The GUI for switching window managers was replaced with one that only lets you choose between gnome, kde, windowmaker, and twm. Yet another roadblock to try to keep metacity in place.

- --
John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
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