On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 15:31, Jon Hall wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a talk on "What Excites Me" about Linux.  The object of this
> talk is to not only talk about the philosophical things that excites me, but
> honest to goodness "neat" programs.
> For example, gnomemeeting excites *ME* since it will allow me to videoconference
> with people while I am on the road.  I know that some people like The Gimp,
> and I know that Paul Lussier likes GNUcash, but what other Open Source
> programs do you think are either stellar, close to stellar, or rapidly
> approaching stellar?

I've been playing with OpenLDAP a lot lately for all sorts of things.
The more I play with it, the more uses I find for it. It's so easy to
tie other things in, like Apache, PAM, Samba, etc. and use it for
central authentication/pseudo single sign-on. It also works great for a
company address book. 

Another project that I personally find to be in the "stellar" catagory,
is the Courier mail server (http://www.courier-mta.org). It's a mail 
server complete with SMTP/ESMTP,IMAP4, POP3, SSL, Webmail, calendar,
spam filtering, mailing list, and all of the bells and whistles. It can
even use OpenLDAP to manage aliases and authentication. I'm big on any
product that can centralize administration and make my life easier ;-)


"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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