On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 18:59, Derek D. Martin wrote:
> If there were still any doubt...
> ----- Forwarded message from Red Hat Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> We've recently made some changes to Red Hat Network based on survey
> data that we received from you.  We found that two items of extreme
> interest to our users are early release of Red Hat Linux ISOs and
> improved technical support.
> Beginning March 31st, paid subscribers to Red Hat Network will have
> access to Red Hat Linux 9 ISOs - a full week before retail store and
> Red Hat FTP availability.  Also, Red Hat Network subscribers will
> receive dedicated Red Hat Network Technical Support.  For more
> information about the benefits of being a Red Hat Network Subscriber,
> go to:
>   http://www.redhat.com/software/rhn/offerings/

I'm a RHN subscriber, that's why I posted my message! :-)

Jeff Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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