My personal preference is anything PalmOS based. It's simple, well supported, and has all the features you requested.

I have yet to see why anyone would *need* one of these Linux based PDAs. They seem like total overkill, and they're expensive.

Word to that. I have had a PalmOS-based Treo for a couple of months now. I have not had the time to learn about any cool "power-user" apps for it, or if it has any advanced features -- the only thing I have done is stored my contacts, appointments, and to-dos in it.

Oh, I did find a freeware flash-card application and used it to study for the SCJP, it worked quite well for that purpose.

At some point I would like to spend some time learning about ways to make better use of it, but for now it has replaced my Franklin planner. (Which I am actually somewhat sad about, because I had an emotional attachment to it -- and it could hold paper documents, stamps, etc, which the Palm cannot.)


PS: I like the treo enough that I would upgrade to the phone version if Treo supported the phone company I subscribe to. The keyboard is nice.

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