In a message dated: Wed, 28 May 2003 11:34:29 EDT
Michael O'Donnell said:

Bob: "Hope Rob don't say balls nasty."
Rob: "-Balls- nasty!"
Bob: "He don't shiv."

I'll bet this is high-larious, 'cept fer I don't get it...

Well, I wouldn't say high-larious...

Mmmm, yeah. That was my reaction too. I even tried googling for the various phrases, but turned up nothing of interest.

Come on, you guys never read Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns" ???? (Which inspired Tim Burton's "Batman" movie, since you might not know that either....) Probably one of the greatest stories I've ever read, irrespective of medium. The book's been reprinted plenty of times, you can probably get it at most public libraries.

The quote is from a conversation between two members of "the Mutants" gang, observing the caped crusader beating the shit out of their leader. They are dumbfounded, because Batman is 40 years old and the gang leader is an incredibly strong and violent fighter. The statement is a kind of respectful astonishment.


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