Well... it's a little hard to tell, since I don't know what it is you're
doing to see the files, but it sounds as if you're not authenticating as a
domain user.  How are you seeing the files?  Through an SMB browser (eg.
Konqueror)?  Mounting the SMB share?  Whatever way, you should be telling
your username
your password
and, implicitly or explicitly, the domain
If you're not, you're likely logging in as guest, which pursuant
permissions (or lack thereof).


> Hi
>         I have got myself confused, how do you make a Windows Server
> 2000 share read/writeable using samba, I can attach just fine and read
> but can not get write perms on the share through the samba mount
> point.The Windows share has the perms set to full access for everyone.
> Thanks Much
> Rich
> --
> Richard A Sharpe
> DBA - DB2/Sybase/Oracle/Sqlserver
> Merrimack, NH 03054
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