On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 06:56:51AM -0400, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think many sites consider downtime to just be part of life for
> server moves, upgrades, etc.  Even "name brand" sites like ebay and
> Amazon have maintenance windows regularly where the site is pretty
> much offline an unavailable.

    That's pretty stupid if they do.  Clustering technologies should let
you avoid this.  I'm obviously most familar with HP-UX/Tru64 TruClusters
since that's my day job.  With TruClusters you can upgrade a single node
(or more) of a cluster at a time, slowly bringing in new functionality.
Applications can be relocated from the machines you are working on to
those you aren't, and then moved back to the newer machines as
appropriate.  Sites willing to pay for this sort of technology really
shouldn't be presenting to customers any more than a momentary flash of
downtime (like, a few seconds), if any at all.

 "They can't call [Java] an open standard when they control
  the standard."
   -- Joe Herman, MS Product Mgr, aka "the pot calling the kettle black"
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