We're got some boxen here each with a 3ware RAID controller 7x200GB disks in RAID5
configuration. They run Redhat 8 with LVM splitting the array into logical volumes. The logical
volumes have ext3 filesystems on them. I think it's kind of neat that we can use tools to manage
them that apparently were origianlly written for ext2 (tune2fs, e2fsadm, resize2fs). I have
to wonder: Is ext3 an extension to ext2 that adds the journalling in such as way that these
tools don't know the difference or do the tools handle ext2/ext3 differently, only the names
have not been changed (to protect the innocent).

____ __
| 0|___||. Andrew Gaunt *nix Sys. Admin,, etc. Lucent Technologies
_| _| : : } [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www-cde.mv.lucent.com/~quantum
-(O)-==-o\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.gaunt.org

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