Joshua Flythe said:

> I installed Mplayer from source last year and it was a PITA. I have since
> found unofficial Debian packages for Mplayer which are available from

OK, I give up.  Either I have been out of the loop too long or there are far
too many either totally new or newly defined useages of acronyms to
comprehend.  How about a small FAQ specific to GNHLUG for interpreting
commonly used acronyms on this list?  No, really.  I am semi-serious.  (The
acronym internet site these days sometimes has too many possible definitions
for one acronym to accurately translate.)

What is PITA?

Here's the rest of my list:

Fedora  (though I think I now understand that is the name for the lastest
distro of RedHat)

Here's one from the MPlayer-HQ site too:

"Don't panic!"

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