On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, at 12:05pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> dd if=/dev/cdrom of=FC2-i386-disc1B.iso
>>   In my experience, that does not work right.  Use
> Interesting.  I've used exactly that approach a number of times recently,
> and had no troubles.  Perhaps the difference is bad sectors on the disc,
> or other copy protection mechanisms that dd doesn't handle well.

  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with esoteric features of the
various Compact Disc specifications.  CDs can have multiple sessions, each
with multiple tracks.  An ISO-9660 filesystem can have multiple namespaces,
and there does not have to be a one-to-one match of every file in every
namespace.  Plus the whole boot catalog thing, which is "outside" the
"regular" ISO-9660 filesystem, but still part of it.  How the heck do you
present that as a single


device?  :-)

  I know it's made a difference with Red Hat Linux CDs (back when there
*was* a Red Hat Linux) made from MD5-verified images, so it isn't a copy
protection thing.

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