On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 10:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Incidentally, I routinely check SoftPro's website when
> browsing online as an alternative to the Amazon/Borders
> megamerchants.  It's good to support the local
> service-oriented merchants as much as possible so I'd rather
> use them if the price penalty is not too great.  Their
> shipping policy and performance make that an easy pill to
> swallow for me.  ymmv.

I would like to comment on the above, as Bruce mentioned
"service-oriented". I ordered a book online from SoftPro yesterday. I
got an e-mail 15 minutes later telling me that it was out of stock and
the new stock wouldn't be in for two weeks, and asking if I wanted to
cancel my order or wait for the new stock to arrive. I, of course,
replied that I would wait. This morning, I got an e-mail from SoftPro
telling me that a copy of the book that had been put on reserve had come
available since the purchaser would be away for the next three weeks and
couldn't pick it up. My order was shipped at noon. That is what I call
service. I know better then to expect service like that from Amazon/B&N.
Despite the cost being marginally higher, I would prefer to spend a
little more money in a place that gives good service then a little less
money in an impersonal place where there is no sense of customer

Just my $0.02,

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