Title: Message
But that's the director's cut.  When George made Greedo fire first it was one of the worse edits ever made to a movie from a technical point-of-view and weakened the "scoundrel" aspect of Solo as a character (he's not a nice guy in the beginning of the films and SHOULD shoot someone from under the table).  I've enjoyed all his other revisions in the original trilogy, but that one edit ranks right up there with editing the guns out of the cops hands in ET...to lame for me to ignore.  And I've been told that George has gone on record saying the "revisions" are his true vision of the films and he will not allow the original ones to be released on DVD.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Blodgett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:44 AM
To: Tilly, Lawrence; 'GNHLUG List'
Subject: OffTopic: Star Wars Trilogy on DVD

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