On Tue, 2004-09-07 at 11:47 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > cdrecord: No such device or address. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl
> Hey, Kenny.  Any chance you're running 2.6.8 or greater?  See
> http://lwn.net/Articles/97552/ for some interesting stuff.  For that matter,
> I seem to recall other changes re: ioctl having taken place recently, but I
> don't remember exactly what.  Regardless, you might want to check and make
> sure that your device actually -does- exist; is it listed in "dmesg"'s
> output?  How about in the /proc/scsi hierarchy?

Actually, I'm running 2.6.7. The device is listed in /proc/scsi/scsi. It
works when I boot the system cleanly. It only disappears after I have
burned one CD. The first CD that I burn comes out fine, but after the
fixating process, the driver goes wonky. 

I had originally compiled everything in as a module, and after the first
CD was burned, the sr_mod module would be stuck in an UNLOADING state,
and it couldn't be inserted or removed. Now, with everything compiled
into the kernel, it appears as if the problem, while still existing, is
a bit different. Oh, and I am doing this as root, so the workaround
doesn't always work :-)


Kenneth E. Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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