On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 10:15 -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 08:23:47AM -0500, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> > There is also the cryptography support. Gone are the
> > days of having to patch the kernel for IPSec.
> Interesting indeed.  I recently got wireless working on both my
> laptops, though I don't currently have any enryption going on the wifi
> network.  I believe the Linux driver for the Intel 2100 doesn't
> support WPA, meaning the best I could do anyway is WEP, which isn't
> very good.  I was thinking about using IPSec to solve that...

WPA, 802.1x authentication, etc. requires a few things in addition to
the driver. Check out http://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant/ for more
info on that. 

> Are you using IPSec now?  I heard that FreeS/Wan forked...  What code
> base are you using?  Pointers would be useful.  =8^)

I haven't done much with IPSec recently (in the last 3 months). However,
when FreeS/WAN shut down due to political reasons, I started looking
into OpenS/WAN http://www.openswan.org/. I was impressed by the rapid
development on the project. It has developed much faster then FS did
because it isn't encumbered by the political and ideological issues that
FS had. There is also a better effort for client interop.

Kenneth E. Lussier 
Sr. Systems Administrator
Sentito Networks

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