On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 15:56 -0400, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 13:33:20 -0400
> "Kenneth E. Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have never used a preseed.txt file so am ignorant of that.
> However, if I understand you correctly, you can set hostname and
> domain in the pressed.txt file and it works.  If you leave the
> entries in that file with or without variables, then you will not
> be prompted.  So if you want to use your preseed file and be
> prompted, then you need to comment out the two d-i lines
> involved.

Been there, done that :-)
> > > What installer are you using?
> > 
> > I'm using debian-installer and debian-cd to build the images.
> I apologize for not asking with the necessary precision.  Are you
> using the installer which has been developed for Sarge or are you
> using the installer which is used with Woody, the current stable
> release?  If the Sarge installer, I assume you are using the
> 110Meg installer and you have the RC3 version?  I have also
> assumed you are using a CD and not floppies.  Have i assumed
> incorrectly.

You assume correctly. I am using the Sarge/Sid installer RC3.

> My suggestion would be to go to :
> http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/
> and get the network installer (110M) RC3.
> Check the install docs on that page as well.

I think that I have found the problem. The default debconf priority is
critical, so it only shows questions that are considered of the utmost
importance, or that don't have "reasonable defaults" (IP address,
netmask, gateway, and name servers don't have that "reasonable default"
if they aren't set via dhcp. Hostname and domain have reasonable
defaults of debian and example.com). I tried setting it to medium, and I
had the same results. What I failed to notice is that the isolinux.cfg
has DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical set as a kernel perameter, which overrides
the preseed file. I changed it, and hopefully it will work (new image is
building now...)


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