On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 09:25:56AM -0500, Paul Lussier wrote:
Or, how about a hard-drive based archival system designed to *replace
and obviate* tape backups and slow WORM media?  A previous employer of
mine sells exactly this type of solution, built on top of Linux, using
commodity hard drives.

Despite the fact that the system is designed to replicate each piece
of data at least once and deposit it elsewhere on the system (where by
system, I mean a cluster of Linux-based servers), individual
hard-drive failures are extremely problematic in that if a single
drive fails, all the data on that drive now needs to be replicated
throughout the system again to ensure data integrity.
So, mod's request for something which "scrubs" disks in the background
and re-maps bad blocks on the fly, IMO, is not only a legitimate
request, but something sorely needed in the Linux space.

I'm not sure who you worked for, but my current employer has a similar
product.  I believe that one of features of the product does include
a daemon (or whatever) that periodically re-reads the objects from disk
in order to detect when a drive or a few blocks on the drive are going
bad.  So at least one (major storage) company has decided that the
feature that mod is looking for is worthwhile.

   -- Bob
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