Well, in the run up to the apparently much anticipated disucussion this week on DNS/BIND and all things namey related, I pose this question:

Does anyone know of or have access to any studies or numbers comparing the performance of BIND 9 vs. Windows 200x DNS servers?

I'm looking for real study type stuff.  I've been in those trenches too, and I know what my gut tells me, but I need to present something with real backable bite to them.

My company is primarily a windows shop.  We tend to see 10s of thousands of hits per hour to the name servers on the average day, round the clock (international product).  Due to some snafu's recently regarding the name servers, and only having 2-ish people that are comfortable working with BIND (and sadly, none in the group responsible for it), Some of the "Powers" are questioning the sense of moving to a Windows DNS on our edged name severs.  I'm trying to pitch the idea of keeping the edges as BIND/RH and using them as slaves with Windows masters being setup for the "Ease of mgt" they're looking for.  Googling for such things is becoming a full time job ;)

Thanks in advance for your help/suggestions!


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