On 12/28/05, Dan Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Partition Magic (aka PQMagic) does not support ext3 filesystems ...
> ... PQMagic will no longer be updated, since it was bought out by
> Symantec ...

  Symantec still sells PartitionMagic as a current product.  I don't
know how often they update it.  PM has claimed to support EXT3 for
some time now.  I don't know how well it works, since I haven't bought
an update in years.  OTOH, IIRC, PowerQuest funded the original work
on the ext2/3 resize code, so there's every reason to think they know
what they're doing.

    I still have my floppy-based version of PM, which I use on
occasion.  These days, I generally either use LVM or parted.  I find
parted is not as nice as PM is, in terms of how it works.  I don't
mean just the GUI-vs-CLI, I mean how it appears to go about doing
certain things.  OTOH, it gets the job done.

  I also have a long-standing distrust of Linux partitioning tools,
having had them generate many a bogus partition table.  I haven't had
as many problems recently, but that could just be because I know what
behaviors to avoid now.

> ... and their tech merged into Ghost ...

  I know PowerQuest's DriveImage was the chief competition against
Symantec Ghost for awhile.  I know that the current version of Ghost
creates files with the extension PQ DI used, not the extension
previous versions of Ghost used.  So I think what happened was
Symantec bought PQ, killed off Ghost (heh), and renamed DriveImage to

-- Ben
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