HB1197 was voted ITL (Inexpedient to Legislate) yesterday by the NH
House.  This was no surprise, as the Executive Dept committee voted to
kill it by 15 to 1, and released the following report on it:

HB 1197, establishing a committee to study requiring state government
to consider using open source software when acquiring new software. 

Rep. James B. Coburn for Executive Departments and Administration:  A
sub-committee discussed this issue and determined that the major main
frame applications are probably not available in open source software.
 There is software called "open office" that is similar to a Microsoft
product installed on most desktops.  Upon checking with the Office of
Information Technology, it was determined that the state does not have
the technical resources to control or support such software.  Vote 

Yes, you read that right:  Let's not have a study committee to look
into this, because we already know that open source doesn't work on
mainframes, and of course, we don't have any technical resources for
this sort of thing now in OIT, so lets not have a study committee
might see that we'd save millions (and thus could afford to hire a few
helpdesk staff to support it).

Based on this bogus report, we're going to work to have similar
legislation introduced again next year, and deal with both of these
misperceptions (I suspect someone at OIT wanted this dead on arrival,
since they never testified on it in a hearing, but worked behind the
scenes against it.)  It didn't help that the Science/Tech committee
didn't get this bill to consider, either... ExecDepts didn't
understand this issue.

Next year, I'd love for a few dozen people to show up, and help
explain how Open Source works, the benefits (on lots of levels), and
how it would increase NH economy, etc.
Hopefully, people like Mr. Hall and others can appear and help this happen.

Anyone interested in helping this effort, please contact me, as we can
start laying the ground work for next year...

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