On Sat, 08 Apr 2006 12:44:23 -0400, Jason Stephenson wrote:

> Bill McGonigle wrote:
> > I've been pretty happy with SquirrelMail.  It's not flashy or AJAX
> > yet, but it works OK.  Runs on Linux/Apache/PHP - I think many
> > ISP's offer it with their minimal-level packages (a few bucks a
> > month).
> I set up SquirrelMail where I work. It works and was pretty simple to 
> setup. Another feature it lacks that I might actually add is SSL 
> support. SquirrelMail itself doesn't need much to support SSL if your 
> server does. It just needs to have all the links changed that start 
> "http://"; to use a funtion that checks the protocol in use and
> outputs either http or https. 'Course it might just work if you
> configure Apache to force SSL on that directory.

Worth noting here is SquirrelMail's "Secure Login" plugin:


This forces use of SSL at login time. On the two systems that I use it
on, the entire subsequent session uses SSL, but that may well be more a
function of my Apache configurations than of the use of the plugin.

Another login-oriented SquirrelMail plugin that I'm fond of (because
it's mine <G>) is this one:


Bill Mullen
RLU #270075
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