On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 21:31 -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 1/8/07, mike miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the next line is "bringing up interface eth0; 3c501 device eth0 does not 
> > seem to
> > be present delaying installation (failed)".
>   "3C501" would be, if I remember correctly, 3Com's first PC Ethernet
> card, circa 1985.  I'd say something is being improperly identified.
> Even Fedora really does think you have a 3C501 when you don't, or
> Fedora thinks you have something else, but is loading the wrong
> driver.
>   Interesting.  This:
> http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=60870
> suggests that it's a bad diagnostic; the system is trying to tell you
> it could not load the driver for *your* NIC, but incorrectly reports
> it could not load the 3C501 driver.
>   You might try running "system-config-network" to see what the system
> thinks you have.
>   According to
> http://www.abit-usa.com/products/mb/drivers.php?categories=1&model=311
> your motherboard has a "Realtek 8118B Gigabit" network controller.
> I'm not having much luck finding info on that.  Is it perhaps a very
> new or unusual chip?  The one interesting find I made was
> http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-108031.html

My year old laptop has a realtek 8169 which is supported.  The driver
was simply part of the kernel package.  I think that's good news in that
realtek is getting supported in the core packages.  I do not have any
other rnnnn drivers, so it looks like support for your controller has
not yet arrived in fedora.  That might be an argument for switching to

The bug report
says that the controller is supported in the next (2.6.19) kernel

> which suggests building the driver from source -- yuck.
> -- Ben
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