VirtualPC is definitely your best bet then. I've never tried running a BSD on it, but I did run Linux on it (also on a Powerbook G4). It's not exactly fast, but it's usable. The key is to give it as much memory as you can.

What are the specs on your Powerbook?

        - Chris

On Mar 10, 2007, at 8:42 AM, Paul Lussier wrote:

Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Does anyone know a virtual environment for the PPC-based Macs?

Thanks to all who responded.  I am specifically looking for a virtual
environment.  Partitioning/Dual booting is not in the cards (I don't
have enough space for that, and what I need to can be done in a very
minimal OS install as it is, so doesn't really warrant a full install
of anything.

Thanks though.
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