On Mar 11, 2007, at 9:59 AM, Ben Scott wrote:

 For now, I've written two stanzas in my $HOME/.ssh/config file, one
for each box, and used the "UserKnownHosts" directive to assign
different known_hosts files to each.  So "ssh homegw" uses
"$HOME/.ssh/homegw.known_hosts" and "ssh blackfire" uses
"$HOME/.ssh/blackfire.known_hosts", and everything else uses the

 Anyone else have thoughts or ideas to offer?

I do something similar. I just have different host stanzas in my .ssh/config file with ports listed like this:

host my.home.com
  hostname my.home.com
  port 22223

host linuxbox
  hostname linuxbox.home.com
  port 2223

This also has the advantage of being able to type "ssh linuxbox" instead of "ssh -p 2223 my.home.com"

That took care of the multiple known_hosts entries for the same host for me. Hope that helps.

        - Chris
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