Okay, this one has finally beaten me...

I use Xnest as proved with gnome to login to multiple machines and work in a
very Windowy way on a desktop via XDMCP offering from those machine...  not
rocket science.  Except on one machine...  It just happens to be my primary
workstation here, and it's the one that I really want to have working.

I open up xnest (or more correctly gdmflexiserver --xnest) and happily get a
screen where I can choose all of my actions and move about on the keyboard
with no effort/no problem...  until I attempt to use the mouse.  The cursor
moves just fine, and such ('course that could just be the local
representation) but when I click, with any button:  nuthin'.  Worse than
nuthin, if I click repeatedly (anywhere between 10 and 50 clicks) I
eventually get the response of one single click.

I do not have the same problem in GDM or anywhere in my gnome/nautilus
desktop.  I've resorted to logging in via regularly running vnc sessions,
but hate the idea of leaving them open all the time when all i'm really
looking to do is have a decent shelled experience when needing to get "stuff
done" and log off.  Between sshing in and starting the vncserver and
bouncing 'tween those two shells, i get stuff done, but I ~miss~ my xnest

I've googled, e-mail developers (may-as-well-have flushed 'em with all the
activity on the new release), i've wept, i've shouted at the street-lamps
for a minor sliver of where to look...  You, GNHLUGers, are my last best
hope for bringing just one more simplicity to my meager desktop desires...

any thoughts?  And no, Tom, i will not switch to KDE ;-)

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