>> Anyone know if I'm getting ripped off? Should I really be paying  
>> for a
>> new DVR when my old DVR is only 2 years old?
>   I think the resounding answer will be yes, you're getting ripped
> off, but unfortunately, what can you do.  When they started migrating,
> they'd already terminated the business deal with Tivo.  :-(

Yah, that's really it.. What are your choices? Continue to get only a  
few HD channels for who knows how long then be forced to upgrade  
(probably without the discount) or switch to another provider of TV,  
all that are either more of a pain, cost more, suck worse, or some/ 
all of the above.

I noticed that my DirecTV subscription went up $4/month. I have the  
middle package and two premium channels with locals and one DVR  
receiver (a hacked series 2 DirecTiVo). But it's still cheaper than  
cable and overall I'm happy with the service.
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