On Jun 29, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Paul Lussier wrote:

> Lori Nagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>   Free software is for everyone, not just nerds and geeks.  If
>>   someone can use Word, they can use free replacements such as
>>   OpenOffice.org.  For companies, it does not make sense to spend
>>   money on proprietary software, especially when free replacements
>>   are already available.
> This is your particular opinion.  However, many people use computers
> to get a job done, and they have spent 15 or 20 *years* learning a
> particular environment.  It makes even *less* sense for them to throw
> out that 15 or 20 years of experience using specific applications and
> environments just because they may save a $100 or $200 dollars by
> switching to a different application.

If that's the case then they wouldn't want to upgrade Office. The  
last three version have changed quite a bit. I would say the  
difference between Office 2000 and Office 2007 are much more dramatic  
than switching to OpenOffice for example.

> You don't have like it, agree with it, or condone it.  But you do have
> to accept that it is *their* choice, and being snarky towards them is
> certainly not going to win them over to the "more enlightened" side.

True, but I still stand by what I said (even more so after confirming  
that the job posting was done by a recruiting firm) that the job  
posting was put together by a goof that knows nothing about  
technology and if you sent them a RTF they wouldn't know the  
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