On 10/22/07, Stephen Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 09:11 -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
> > Newbie question:
> >
> > How can I get the total size, in K, of all files in a directory that
> > match a pattern?
> >
> > For example, I have a dir with ~5000 files, I would like to know the
> > total size of the ~1000 files matching *.txt.
> >
> du -c *.txt | tail -1

Since I know Kent has a Mac and this might be on his laptop, I'd like
to add that this should really be:
du -ck *.txt | tail -1

Although Linux (ie GNU) du defaults to outputting sizes in k, OS X
does not. It counts blocks (512 byte blocks) and the -k option to du
explicitly says "I want output in k" and GNU du honors this even
though it's the default). For additional examples... Solaris 9 == 512
by default, FreeBSD 6 == 1024 by default, NetBSD 1.6.1 == 512 by
default, but they all honor -k


> (That's "-(one)", not "-(ell)", meaning, you only want the last line of
> output from du.)
> du prints out the sizes of each of the matching files; '-c' means you
> want a total, too; piping the output through tail -1 picks out just the
> last line with the total.
> --
> Stephen Ryan
> Dartware, LLC
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