I've got a FC3 system where burning to CD-RW works fine until the system 
has been up for a long time, at which point it gives the "No disk / 
Wrong disk" message.  I googled and found this:

Doing some Googling, for the "No disk / Wrong disk" message, I noticed
one person who said their drive burns just fine, unless the machine's
been on for a while.  Then it complains.  If they reboot, it becomes
happy again.  (I didn't notice if they mentioned what particular brand
of drive it was.)

which sounds exactly like my problem, but I did not find anything else 

Has anyone seen or heard of this problem?

Is it likely to be a s/w or h/w problem?

Is there a way I can reset the device driver or the device itself w/o 
rebooting the system?

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