On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 16:50:33 -0500
Alex Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One item I've found very useful for this is a small cable/USB interface
> you can buy that let's you easily slave the hard drive from a PC and
> perform your scans from a known good system. Here are pointers to one of
> these devices:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812156101
> The small power cube that comes with the cable has enough juice to run
> most 3.5 inch drives although I've found a few that wouldn't spin up.
> You can also just plug in the cable to the drive and leave the power
> connector plugged into the PC that it's running in. You plug the USB end
> of the cable into the PC that you want to do your scanning from.

I picked one of these up at SFD (that is, at GotInk4U, in Nashua).
It was there on the shelf, and looked just too handy for anyone to
be without one.  As indeed it is, as Alex says.  It has proved
invaluable, whether for testing new drives before installing them
in cases or for reading old data off of small drives removed during
a laptop upgrade.

(I like walking in with $$ at a brick-and-mortar store and coming
out with a new toy, too.  :)

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