On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Thomas Charron <twaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I've been using Jaunty for a few months now, and I've noticed that
> my grub list is getting *quite* lengthy as new kernels are released.
> In order to reduce the kernels, I need to manually uninstall all of
> the old kernels I don't need anymore, and I was curious if there was
> any sort of a management application which might be able to manage
> what kernels are installed.  Say, keep one old one we *KNOW* booted,
> and get rid of any older ones.
>  Does such a beasty exist?
Well, it won't get rid of installed kernels, but the startup-manager
tool will keep your number of grub boot options to a set number or

1/2 the problem anyway.

~ *

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