On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
<roz...@geekspace.com> wrote:
> Jim Kuzdrall <gnh...@intrel.com> writes:
>>     I doubt anyone will go start a guild today.  The working conditions
>> just aren't bad enough.  American professionals live very well by world
>> standards.
> What's the System Administrators Guild up to, these days?

There is the HTML Writers Guild  http://www.hwg.org/

It has always been a good place to get quality online training at
excellent prices[1].  However, I don't think they have succeeded at
being recognized as "the" certification mark or standard of excellence
-- although they've stated that as an objective.

[1]  When I took classes, member pricing for a class was $40.  Now
they are more like $120.  When I took classes at HWG, I took intro to
Perl from Rich Bowen - Apache Foundation Member.

~ Greg

Greg Rundlett
Web Developer - Initiative in Innovative Computing
camb 617-384-5872
nbpt 978-225-8302
m. 978-764-4424
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