On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:01 PM, H. Kurth Bemis <ku...@kurthbemis.com> wrote:
> Seriously now.
> Comcast provides nothing but stellar service.  Let's not be hard on them
> or suspect them of incorrectly representing their service offerings.
> Greg, it's obviously your Ethernet cables.  I bet they're no name.  I
> suggest you give the Denon AK-DL1's
> (http://www.usa.denon.com/ProductDetails/3429.asp) a try.  Also, you'll
> have to locate your computer no more then 59inches from your router
> (shorter distance for the data to travel = faster speeds).
> Finally, I've heard that waxing your modem will make it go faster.
> Good Luck.
> ~k

That's funny.  /me shakes head incredulously at people with money to burn.

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