On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Joseph <ma...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I agree with all of your assessments thus far.  Woudn't it be great if Apple 
> opened up it's hardware model to allow for 3rd party hardware companies and 
> just sold the OS?    I don't think I would buy it even then but it would be a 
> break from their monopolistic hardware/software coupling effort and prices 
> would precipitously drop.  But alas, I dream.  Apple profits from this sweet 
> business arraignment to the detriment of the consumer (much the same for 
> other prestige brands).
> With so many great options for Linux on the desktop I don't even consider 
> Apple.  And yes even my girlfriend is running Linux (Ubuntu) on a <$500 PC 
> that does everything she needs.  That other $2000 she "should" have spent on 
> a shinny Apple was well spent elsewhere!  =P
> Have a great weekend,

  Apple did this before, years ago.  And they 'undid' this, as the
resulting products where lackluster, and their 'apperent quality' went
down the tubes.

-- Thomas

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