Ben Scott <> writes:
>   This is actually from 2005, but I just found it now:
>   Yes, that's right.  Rather than fix broken software, the sanctioned
> course of action is to reboot the system if HAL or DBus need to be
> restarted/refreshed.

After meditating on this for a while..., I think I can actually
sort-of appreciate the other side's perspective; the `HAL and D-Bus
are resources akin to the X server' comment was enlightening.

Your comments beg the question, "*do* HAL and D-Bus ever actually need
to be restarted" (and, if so, why?).

If the answer to that is `they don't, ever', then I can appreciate how
someone could take the position that it's just not worth the
code-clutter to ensure graceful handling of a situation that should
never happen anyway. Comparisons:

   * What should X applications do if the X server needs to be restarted?

   * What should SysV applications do if the message-queue
     subsystem needs to be restarted?

Maybe the is in the archives and I just need to go find it...,
but what's your position on the `programs losing file-data in
system-crashes with ext4' issue that came up back in March? :)
(cf. <>)

>   Can anyone recommend a Free, Unix-like operating system that
> supports a wide variety of hardware?  That used to be Linux, but it
> now fails on the second item.

Does this mean you're not coming to the Linux-UG party, after all?

Don't be afraid to ask (Lf.((Lx.xx) (Lr.f(rr)))).
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