On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Michael ODonnell
<michael.odonn...@comcast.net> wrote:
> What I don't understand is how he *acquired* control
> as nobody ever contacted me to verify that I intended
> him to do as he did.

  There's no requirement that the servers you delegate to are going to
do what you want.  :)  It's up to you to get your ducks in line ahead
of time.

> What if another dreamhost customer decides to redirect the new domain
> to somewhere else?

  Well, I haven't tried their systems, but I expect the second comer
will get told the domain in question is already configured in the

> How does dreamhost decide who's entitled to make
> such changes?

  First one to configure the domain wins.

  This generally is not anything remotely approaching a problem, as
the usual scenario is:

1. Someone registers a domain
2. That someone pays DreamHost for hosting, and pre-configures the
domain in their systems
3. Same someone tells the registrar to delegate to DreamHost

  In order for someone to "trap" you, they'd have to buy hosting
accounts for every possible domain in existence, just on the off
chance that someone might register a domain and delegate to DreamHost
(as opposed to one of the other brazilian web hosts out there).
Within one month, they'd owe enough in site hosting fees to buy the
planet anyway.

-- Ben

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