"Jon 'maddog' Hall" <mad...@li.org> writes:
> Two weeks ago I went to Souhegan High School in Amherst to vote, and
> while there I looked up their computer technical person (they are mostly
> a windows shop, but also have MACs) and offered to do a presentation to
> the students and faculty on FOSS and free culture.


> I was warned that these were "high school students" and it was "hard to
> keep their attention".

Hilarious :)

> I started with a slide that showed five people that did amazing
> things with FOSS before they were 22 (one as young as 11), most of
> whom are now very successful and one of whom was a former student at
> Souhegan.

There are, I think, quite a few of us--SHS students who became
wildly successful at young ages due largely to our involvement
with FOSS. Several of us even got to skip college, going straight
from SHS to success--though I don't know how kosher it would be
to bring *that* up inside a high school... :)

Some of these cases can, additionally, be traced more-or-less
directly back to some contribution that you made--thank you
(immensely) for your continued work on this.

This is immensely valuable--to the kids, to the adults that they
become, to *their* eventual children, and to the industry (and world)
that they go on to inhabit and create.

> They have a nice lab filled with relatively new machines.  I pointed out
> that with the correct software we could teach either high performance
> computing or "cloud" computing.

... or virtually anything else :)

> For others on this list that might want to participate, these are paid
> teaching courses, and while the pay is probably not gigantic, you may
> find that courses you have already put together are easily
> repackaged...and courses that you give may lead to other business.  In
> any case, these courses would be for next fall, so you have time to
> think about it.
> As the students get more involved, I think we may have some "new blood"
> coming into the group.  I found them very intelligent, very polite and
> very thoughtful.
> Friday I am going to visit Milford High school and offer the same talk.
> Next week I will hit the Community College on Amherst St. in Nashua.

This may be a stupid question, but... is there some sort of summary
available for your presentation? I don't want to ask you to
spend time transcribing it or anything like that, but if you have
slides or something...? I always find openings particularly interesting
for study....

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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