DrupalCampNH will take place May 22nd at SNHU Manchester. Drupal is GPL
licensed software, running a classic LAMP stack. Drupal Camp appears to
be a locally-organized event. An admission ticket can be purchased
online for $5. See details and register at http://drupalcampnh.org/

Attendance is limited and they're already down to 27 ^H^H 26 -- going
fast! -- tickets this morning.

>From the site:

Why DrupalCamp?

This first DrupalCamp in NH has been structured to be a training day for
new drupalers, and those interested in learning about Drupal. Our goal
is to provide valuable information for those users, and help grow the
New Hampshire Drupal community by making it more accessible to users
with new and varied interest.

Structured sessions will provide a start to finish overview of
everything you should know when putting together a Drupal site from
scratch. Topics include setting up infrastructure, Drupal Basics, CCK
(Content types), Views and other important contributed modules, along
with theming to round off the training.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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