> According to a recent Associated Press article, our insightful(?)
> leaders are contemplating upgrading New Hampshire's 911 system to
> accept multimedia such as text messages, photos, etc.  They're
> requesting $4 million dollars for this... most of it for software(!)
> Does anybody see a great opportunity, here, for Linux advocacy?

All that comes to mind for me is..., isn't `911 emergency call' exactly
the sort of situation in which one wants synchronous, low-latency comms
with ongoing `SYN/ACK' in both directions? And doesn't that rule out SMS
and e-mail?

But, yeah--if they're really intent on going through with this,
they'd better damn well demand source so that we can know how,
and even *if*, the system actually works; so that when someone
dies because their `help me I'm trapped in a storm-drain' e-mail
doesn't go through in time, everyone knows it's not a fault of
the 911 system.

Maybe NH 911 should establish a Facebook presence....

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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