maddog, et. al.

Thanks much for that additional history.  I am filing it as notes for my
eventual 'autobiography' accordingly.

I also remember reading Terry Shannon's 'Charlie Matco' columns back then
and I believe I even corresponded with him once or twice.  May he indeed,
fellow 'Nam vet (we were there at the same time, albeit with different
tasks, one of which I shared with him during my later tour in TLC) , rest in
peace.  His web site exists here:

<>I would cheerfully kill someone now for a
Charlie Matco coffee mug.


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall <> wrote:

> David,
> Unfortunately the site you mention:
> has a FAQ that is wrong:
> Alpha NT never supported a 64-bit virtual address space.  I seem to
> remember that Digital offered that code to Microsoft in 1992, but
> Microsoft turned it down because it was not in "their best business
> interests" to accept it.
> I was also told that Digital also offered (perhaps at a royalty cost) an
> implementation of their clustering software in the same timeperiod,
> which Microsoft also turned down.  Instead Microsoft came out with
> "Wolfpack", which was the only clustering software I ever saw where two
> processors ran slower than one.
> Finally, that site did have a bitter-sweet memory for me.  In the upper
> right-hand corner of the page is an "ad" for "Shannon knows DEC" the
> byline of an old friend of mine, Terry "Charlie Matco" Shannon, may he
> rest in the peace he deserves.
> md
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