"Jon 'maddog' Hall" <mad...@li.org> writes:
> I will not comment on most of your discussion, since I think you and
> I agree that some of the words in Seth's document will be hard to
> prove as written, and perhaps should be modified so the opponents of
> the bill will not have statements to challenge.


> > > If you want to make "adherence to open, platform-neutral standards" as
> > > part of your definition of "Open Source" in 21-R:10 then this part is
> > > fine.
> > Only if it's also part of the definition of "Proprietary"....
> > It's not obvious to me that an Open-Source implementation of some weird
> > `standard' that's only supported by that one (open)  implementation
> > is inherently *any worse* than a proprietary implementation of some
> > weird `standard' that's only supported by that one (closed) implementation.
> Here we are making a definition of what is "open".  We do not have
> to necessarily address what is "proprietary".  If you want to
> further define what is "standard", that is fine too.

Right, what I mean here is: maybe a clause about standards-compliance
should be part of a *general* `fitness' rule for software-`acquisition',
but that's a separate issue from software-licensing. It doesn't make sense
to put *additional* fitness-requirements for OSS acquisition/deployment
*beyond* the restrictions that are placed on acquisition and deployment
of proprietary packages.

That'd accomplish the *opposite* of what we want.

In forming our definition of "open", maybe we should revisit:

    The Open Source Definition <http://opensource.org/docs/osd>

    The Free Software Definition <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html>

    the Debian Free Software Guidelines 

Don't define yourself into a corner by using a peculiar definition
of "OSS" that may well block-out a significant portion of the actual
OSS `free market' for which you're trying to make explicit inroads,
when the proprietary market has no equivalent fitness-constraints.

If we want to add appeal by talking about *tendencies* and *likelihoods*
that OSS packages will conform to open conform to desirable standards,
or the *capabilities* of OSS packages to be *made* to conform
as part of the Integration process (even if they didn't `out of the box'!),
we can do that without over-restraining the definition such that
`OSS COTS that doesn't support a standard out-of-the-box doesn't count,
 and can still be excluded from consideration even though proprietary COTS
 that also doesn't support the standard is fine and can't be excluded'.

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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