Someone asked me this off-list, but I'm going to reply on-list,
for now, since someone else might be interested in the response...:

> what do you do w/ [your NanoNote] / use it for?
> Does it have wifi?

There's a µSD WiFi card available that can be used with it,
if you like that kind of thing (think back to when WiFi
for full-scale laptops came in the form of PCMCIA cards).

As I mentioned, my main use is as a (smart) portable music-player
(I have a smart robojockey running on it, along with a UI
that allows me to manually select tracks both by browsing
and by searching--both of which are really helped by the presence
of the keyboard; I'm drafting a longer explanation, right now...).
And my wife wants one just to use as a music-player
(`the problem I always have is that I hate queueing-up
 music manually', she says [and `shuffle' really kinda sucks :)].

I also have Guile, Python, and some other interpreters installed,
so I can use it basically as a `programmer's calculator' to solve
(or just help me think through) problems that would be awkward
or impossible with the more usual pocket calculators.

I'm in the middle of putting together patchsets for the
`audio player'-related work/packaging that I've done for it,
but there's a copy of my central `driver script', here:

Mm. Maybe I should find time to go give a presentation at ManchLUG,
or something....

An alternate angle on the NanoNote would be, of course:

    Are you the sort of person who likes Lego Mindstorms?
    It's less expensive than Mindstorms :)

On that note, people more inclined toward hardware-hacking apparently
like to connect them to their arduinos via a `universal breakout-board'
µSD module that some guys in Spain are selling.

> On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> <> wrote:
> > So, the NanoNote that I bought back in September has
> > turned out to be a fantastically good purchase for me,
> > and my wife has started demanding that I get *her* one
> > because she wants an `OMG that's so awesome'
> > music-player just like the one that I now have
> > (more on that later, in another post).
> >
> > As such, I intend to place an order for a second NanoNote
> > in the next couple of days (so that I can give it to her
> > for as a Mothers' Day present), so anyone else who's interested
> > in getting one is again invited to do a `group buy' with me
> > so that we can save on shipping.
> >
> > If you missed the conversation last time, here's a link
> > to the thread:
> >
> >
> >
> > They're [still] $99, but they [still] ship from Hong Kong so shipping
> > a single unit [still] adds ~$30 to the price; shipping more units together
> > increases the shipping-price but only ~logarithmically, so there's
> > an opportunity to spread the shipping-cost out with a `group buy';
> > for example, it [still] looks like shipping goes down to $11/unit
> > if I order 5.
> >
> > Anyone interested, this time?

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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