> The one that customers are apparently supposed to use,
> www.myfairpoint.net *won't even display on my computer* and hasn't
> for years.  I don't know if it's actually empty or what ("view
> source" shows nothing).  Firefox on Linux.

Hmmm.  When I said this:

   wget -O - http://www.myfairpoint.net/

...I got a zero-length result, but when I said this:

   wget -O - --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" 

...I got some HTML that looked legit, so maybe you could fiddle
with your browser's User Agent string.  The User Agent Switcher
plugin is fairly painless to install and use for such purposes,
though I'm happy to report that I need to use it much less
frequently than in years past as it seems that there are fewer
sites suffering that sort of dainbramage these days, though
fairpoint.com may still be one of them...

> This kind of complete technical incompetence makes me reluctant
> to get drawn into the tech support tar pit with them.


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