On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio <k...@jots.org> wrote:
> Hey, all -- I've gotten quite used to gnome-terminal and konsole, and
> they both work, but I admit I have a little bit of iterm2 (for the Mac)
> envy -- e.g., being able to search back through the log to a specific
> timestamp.  Handy, that.  So, my question, really, is "is there a really
> cool terminal program out there with lots of bells and whistles?"  It'd
> be fun to kick the tires on something new.

  Under the Unix philosophy, you want xterm(1), script(1), and a
window manager that does tabbed windows.[1]  :-)

-- Ben

[1] twm, confusingly, does not do tabbed windows.  ;-)
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