>> Seriously?  That WWW page renders (at least on my Android phone
>> and on Firefox on my desktop box) as small-print, low-contrast
>> grey font on dark purple background...
> I spoke to Jonathan last night about it.  You need to remember
> that Jonathan is blind, and is not able to view his websites
> in the same manner as sighted person.

I daresay that didn't occur to any of us.  I'm guessing, then, that
during the process of WWW site design/layout he uses some of the
assistive technologies in question (screen-scrapers, OCR and such?)
which don't have to concern themselves with issues like contrast,
color choices or font sizes as long as they're able to capture the
textual content being presented.

And I guess he chose a canned WWW site "style" without being aware
that (like so damned many many others!)  it's nearly unreadable.
I'm no WWW site hacker but I wonder if there aren't canned styles
that have been specifically designed to be readable by all, with
or without impaired vision.

The style problem is, of course, much bigger than this one instance.
Far too many of the WWW sites out there seem have been designed by
"artiste wannabees" who seem to think that exotic font and color
choices are more important than, ya know, like, readability?

It's to the point these days where I almost automatically apply
the super extremely wonderful "zap style sheets" bookmarklet:


...before reading most WWW pages.

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