I use a piece of paper.


 From: Mark Komarinski <mkomarin...@wayga.org>
To: gnhlug-disc...@gnhlug.org 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 11:56 AM
Subject: Password storage?

(I seem to remember having a go-around with this a while ago, but I 
forget quickly, and maybe something has changed in the meantime)

For reasons that aren't altogether obvious to me yet, I'm storing my 
passwords in a few different places:

Linux laptop
Windows 8 laptop (don't judge me, but it does dual boot)
Android phone and tablet

Until recently, I was using SplashID which has functionality for keeping 
passwords in sync between Windows and Android clients, but it has a few 
nasty downsides for me.  Namely the lack of a Linux client and the 
Android client crashes and makes me put my master password in again.

I see all the cool kids are using KeePass these days, and I want to make 
sure that my passwords are stored:

a) securely (FSVO 'securely')
b) available to the above devices, either via manual sync over a network 
or a shared file location that gets synced

I'm also storing different sets of passwords for different groups I'm 
working with.  Some personal, some $EMPLOYER, some for some side 
consulting I'm doing, and I'd like to keep the three as separate logical 
groups so I can purge everything from one group should I finish up with 
one group or another.

What do you use for password storage?  And I hope it's not a spreadsheet.

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